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Tips to Speed ​​Up Smartphone Performance

Tips to Speed ​​Up Smartphone Performance
Along with increasing age, the performance of Android phones tends to decrease. However, there are some tips you can do to improve Android performance.

Reduced Android phone performance can be caused by various factors, such as using an outdated or out of date system, decreased battery health, storage space that exceeds capacity, and so on.

Smartphone Performance

The Importance of Smartphone Performance

Fast cellphone performance is very important because it affects user comfort and productivity. When Android phones perform slowly, users will find it difficult to run various applications and daily tasks such as browsing the internet, opening applications, playing games, or even making phone calls. In addition, slow performance can also take longer to complete work, which can hamper user productivity. With a fast Android phone, users can access and run applications properly, thereby enhancing user experience and work efficiency.

How to Speed ​​Up Smartphone Performance

On this occasion, we will provide some tips and tricks to overcome slow performance problems on Android phones or improve their performance so that they are faster and more responsive. These tips cover ways that can be done without using additional applications or by using special applications.

1. Remove unused applications

When our smartphones are filled with applications that are unused or rarely used, this can slow down the performance of the device because these applications take up storage space and system resources. Therefore, we are advised to delete unused applications and only keep applications that are really needed.

2. Turn off unimportant notifications

When a lot of notifications come in, this can slow down the performance of the operating system. Therefore, we are advised to turn off unimportant notifications so that the device is not distracted by irrelevant notifications and the operating system performance is maintained.

3. Disable unused features

If we do not use features such as Bluetooth or GPS, we should disable them to save battery power. Smartphone performance will increase if battery power is still stored optimally.

4. Delete unnecessary files and photos

The same thing with applications, when many files or photos are stored in the internal memory but are not used, this can slow down smartphone performance. Therefore, we are advised to delete unnecessary files or photos to reduce the load on the internal memory.

5. Stop applications running in the background

When many applications are running in the background, it can slow down operating system performance and reduce battery power. Therefore, we are advised to stop applications running in the background when not in use to save battery power and reduce the load on the operating system.

6. Reduce the number of widgets on the main screen

Widgets on the home screen can eat up a significant amount of system resources. Therefore, if we want to speed up smartphone performance, we recommend reducing the number of widgets on the main screen. This can reduce the load on the operating system and speed up performance.

7. Update the operating system to a newer version

An operating system that has been used for a long time can cause smartphone performance to slow down. Therefore, we recommend updating the operating system to a newer version. The latest version usually has fixed problems and bugs in the previous version so that it can improve system performance on the device.

8. Clear app cache and data regularly

Cache and application data that store too much in the internal memory can slow down the performance of applications and the operating system. Therefore, we are advised to clean app cache and data regularly to speed up app and operating system performance.

9. Limit syncing of non-essential social media accounts and emails

If we have many social media or email accounts that sync automatically, this can slow down the performance of the operating system and reduce battery power. For this reason, we should limit syncing to only those accounts that are really needed to save battery power and reduce the load on the operating system.

10. Disable the auto-update feature in the application

The auto-update feature in applications can consume quite a lot of battery power. Therefore, we should turn off the auto-update feature on applications that are rarely used or not too important to save battery power. Apart from saving battery power, this can also speed up the performance of the operating system and reduce the load on the system.

11. Use power saving mode

When we are traveling far and do not have access to a charger, we should use power saving mode or power saving mode to maintain battery power. This mode can turn off some unnecessary features and extend battery life.

12. Use a cleaner or optimizer application

A cleaner or optimizer application can clean up trash in internal memory and improve operating system performance. We recommend that we use trusted and verified applications to avoid applications that harm our devices.

13. Turn on airplane mode or turn off cellular signals

When you are in an area with a poor signal, the device will try to find a better signal which can drain battery power. Therefore, it is recommended to activate airplane mode or disable cellular signal when in areas with poor signal to save battery power.

14. Use a memory card

When too many photos and videos are stored in the internal memory, it can slow down the performance of the operating system. Therefore, we should use a memory card to store photos and videos so that the internal memory is not too full and the operating system performance remains optimal.

15. Turn off the auto-rotate feature on the screen

The auto-rotate feature on the screen can drain quite a lot of battery power. Therefore, we should turn off the auto-rotate feature on the screen to save battery power. We can rotate the screen manually if needed.

16. Turn off any Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or NFC features

Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or NFC features can drain quite a lot of battery power if we don't use them. Therefore, we should turn off these features when not in use to save battery power.

17. Use the original charger

Using a charger that is not original or does not have the appropriate specifications can be dangerous and damage the device. Therefore, it is recommended to use an original charger or a charger with the appropriate specifications to charge the battery safely and efficiently.

18. Avoid using applications that consume battery power

Apps that consume battery power continuously such as games or apps that make sounds and vibrate can drain battery power quickly. Therefore, we should avoid using these applications excessively to extend battery life.

19. Use data consumption reduction applications

Using too much cellular data can slow down operating system performance and drain battery power. Therefore, we should use data consumption reduction applications to save cellular data usage.

20. Do not overcharge the battery

Overcharging the battery or too frequently can damage the battery and shorten battery life. Therefore, we should charge the battery when its capacity reaches around 20-30% and discipline ourselves not to charge the battery too often.

Article Cover

In extending the battery life of smartphone devices, some tips and tricks are needed that users can do. Some tips that can be done include turning off unused features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC, setting the screen quality to low, using power-saving or power-saving modes, and using cleaning or optimizer applications. In addition, using a charger that is original or has the same specifications is also important to charge the battery safely and efficiently and avoid using applications that continuously consume battery power, such as games or applications that produce sound and vibrate. Finally, discipline in charging the battery is also necessary to extend battery life. By applying the tips and tricks above, smartphone users can maintain their device's battery power so that it doesn't run out easily and can be used longer.
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